Sex and the Alexander Technique

Robert Rickover writes:

In my previous post, Sex and the Alexander Technique – Part 1, I provided an overview of what was available on this topic 20 years ago.

Slim pickings, to say the least!

Fortunately for all of us, the situation is a far better today.

To start with, we have a very popular episode at the Alexander Technique Podcast which I did with Alexander Technique teacher Constance Clare-Newman on the topic a few years ago. You can listen to it here:


In 2010, The Frisky (sic!) featured an interview with Alexander Technique teacher Rachel Bernsen titled: Frisky Q & A: For Better Sex, Look to the Alexander Technique that received a good deal of attention.

Also in 2010, Alexander Technique teacher Penny O’Connor write a piece titled “Sex and the Alexander Technique” in her blog.

In 2011, Alexander Technique teacher Paige McKinney explored the question “So what about the Alexander Technique and Sex?” in her blog.

Finally, Alexander Technique Chloe Stallibrass, conducted a study titled “Sexuality and the Alexander technique: a study based on a survey of teachers and students at an Alexander training centre in London,” summer 1990.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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